Recreation and Sports


校内活动为北公园的校园活动增添了竞争优势. 有机会与同学以及教职员工比赛是令人兴奋的. However, 亚游集团官方网站希望所有的球员都能尊重其他球员, spectators, officials, and supervisors while participating. 不遵守适当行为标准的球员或团队可能会失去参加im的特权和使用赫尔威格娱乐中心的机会.

确保一个有趣和安全的竞争气氛, 一个体育精神评分系统将在所有校内体育联赛和比赛中使用.

Conduct Rating by Officials

在每场比赛结束时,裁判会根据队员的表现给每队打分. Areas of conduct that will be taken into account will include, but are not limited to language, number of fouls committed, respect towards officials, and overall conduct during game play. 平均成绩不能达到至少“B”可能会阻碍球队参加季后赛和其他锦标赛或联赛的机会. 每位官员将使用的评分系统如下所述.

4 Points – Excellent Conduct and Sportsmanship

球员与官员和其他队员充分合作. 船长冷静地与官员们就规则解释和判罚进行交谈. 队长还可以完全控制他/她的队友、板凳席和观众. Teams that win by forfeit will receive a “4.“因使用脏话而受到口头警告的球队不能获得高于‘3’的评级.

3 Points – Good Conduct and Sportsmanship

团队成员口头抱怨官员做出的一些决定和/或表现出轻微的分歧. 如果球队中的任何球员受到技术犯规,该队的评分不能高于“3”.

2 Points – Average Conduct and Sportsmanship

对裁判和/或对方球队表现出口头异议. Captain exhibits minor control over his/her teammates, bench, and spectators, but their own attitude is in control. 获得多次技术犯规的球队不能获得高于“2”的评级.

1 Point – Below Average Conduct and Sportsmanship

该队在场上或替补席上不断向裁判和/或对方队发表意见. The team captain exhibits little or no control over teammates, bench, spectators, and/or himself/herself. 球员因纪律原因被驱逐的球队不能获得高于1的评级.

0 Points – Poor Conduct and Sportsmanship

Team is completely uncooperative. 队长不能控制队友、板凳席、观众和/或他自己. Any team causing a game to be forfeited, other than by not showing, or receives multiple ejections will receive a “0” rating.


队长要对队员和观众负责, during, and following the game. 国际奥委会不会容忍针对体育官员的违反体育道德的行为, supervisors, staff members, players, spectators, and/or the program. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical abuse, verbal or physical threat, attempting to fight, fighting, physically attacking another individual, and cheating.

Individuals and/or teams engaging in an unsportsmanlike manner, as determined by the Intramural Supervisors, will be removed from the contest, 并将受到由校内体育主任决定的进一步纪律处分. Any person or persons (including players, captains, and spectators) who criticize, boisterously obstruct, ridicule, or attempt to demean an IM official, opposing team member, 或IM主管应负责开除程序. 此外,一场比赛可能会在官员、国际赛会主管和主任的自由裁量权下被没收. 有这种行为的个人必须在下次比赛开始前与校内体育主任见面. 如果不这样做,该个人/团队将被排除在下次比赛之外.

General Discipline Policy

顾客必须遵守所有海威格娱乐中心和校内的规则和政策. 不遵守规则和政策的个人将至少受到以下纪律政策的约束. 所有违规行为将逐案处理, in some circumstances, 对不遵守规则和政策的惩罚可能比下面列出的更严厉.

First offense:  将给予口头警告,并附上违规的书面文件.

Second offense:  第二次口头警告将被给予,并附有违规的书面文件. 赞助人必须与校内主任开会讨论他/她的行为. 顾客将被要求离开大楼,并将失去在当天剩余时间内使用赫尔威格娱乐中心的特权.

Third offense:  使用海威格娱乐中心和参加校内体育活动的特权将在本学期的剩余时间内失去,行为将报告给相应的校园当局.